

Downloading and Installing Minlib

Downloading and installing minlib is a pretty straightforward process; the program was designed to be easily built and installed. So presuming that you don't have a prebuilt version for your distribution, you can read through this page.

Downloading Minlib

The minlib source is all available at Github:

Minlib Source

Github is pretty daunting for people who don't know git, so a little explanation of this page is in order. If all you want to do is download the program to install, head to the "Clone or download" button on the right, which will give you the option of downloading a zip archive:

zip of minlib

If you do happen to know git, then go ahead and work your magic; clone that repository to your heart's content.

Installing Minlib

This should also be pretty simple, even simpler than usual, since minlib does not include the usual "./configure" step that most source downloads do. I'll be assuming here that you're working with the zip archive, since anyone who knows enough git to clone the repository will be able to figure out the rest for themselves.

  1. Find the directory you want to put minlib into, and go to it.
  2. Unzip the archive:
    unzip master.zip
  3. Go to the directory that said unzipping created. It will be immediately beneath the directory that you created.
  4. Build the source:
  5. You now have a working minlib in this directory. Probably, however, you want more than that: you want to be able to run minlib from any directory, read the manpage when you need to, and so forth. So become root however you normally would (sudo, or su -, or whatever), and run the following:
    make install
    That should cover it; you've now got minlib running on your computer.

If you need help learning to run minlib, visit the documentation page, especially the tutorial. And then, happy managing!