Makebook: Dependencies
Makebook is a shell script, and as such, it depends on a few other programs to do its work. This is an advantage for makebook; it doesn't have to duplicate functions that have already been implemented elsewhere. If you do not have these dependencies installed, makebook will warn you about it and fail.
- od: This is one of the GNU coreutils, so it's pretty likely that you already have it; if not, it's easily installed. Makebook uses od to produce its random file names.
- pdflatex: Obviously; pdflatex does much of the grunt work behind the scenes in makebook. TeXLive is the best distribution.
- pdfinfo: Part of the xpdf bundle. Makebook uses this to determine the dimensions of the source pages.
- qpdf: A pdf toolkit; makebook uses this to tear apart the source pdf, rearrange it, and then feed it to pdflatex.
Once you have these installed, you're ready to go.