minlib - a text-based library management program
minlib [-V] [-p] [-P] [-s] [-a file or directory] [-c rcfile] [-r formatstring] [-f inputfile[,...]]
minlib A text-based library management program, designed to do one thing---manage your library, physical and digital---and do it well. Customizable formatting, usable with books, files, movies, music or any other media. Features include filtering, searching, and more.
-V |
Print version and licensing information, then exit successfully. |
-a file/directory
Asks minlib to explore some files and output their metadata in a form suitable for inclusion in a minlib database. This will be outputted to stdout, so you can redirect it to a file as you will. If you give filename as an argument, minlib will output only the metadata for that file; if you give directory as an argument, minlib will descend recursively through that directory, outputting metadata for every suitable file it can find. Very useful for combing your directory tree for files that you probably want in your library, but don’t want to manually enter the information for.
Be aware that an error on any one file while traveling the tree will stop minlib entirely; this is in keeping with the "when you must fail, fail as soon and as noisily as possible" principle. You may have to move the troublesome file from the tree if you can’t resolve the issue.
Supported file types for automatically extracting metadata are pdf, epub, html, ps, dvi, doc(x), xls(x), ppt(x), ogv, ogg, mp3, man, sxw, sdw, flac, wav, s3m, xm, it, nsf(e), sid, exiv2, jpeg, gif, png, tiff, deb, rpm, tar(.gz), lzh, lha, rar, zip, cab, 7-zip, ar, mtree, pax, cpio, iso9660, share, raw, xar flv, real, riff (avi), mpeg, qt, and asf. Other than pdf and epub, GNU libextractor governs this extraction; pdf uses pdfinfo, and epub is done internally.
Mobi and other Kindle-type formats will work with minlib in general, but minlib cannot extract metadata from them; they’re just too locked-down for me to figure out. Their metadata will have to be entered in the minlib database file manually; fortunately, minlib uses a plain-text, human-readable data format, so that’s not burdensome.
-p |
Printing. This will print your library to stdout, respecting your record format strings and the like. Will likely often be combined with the -s option. | ||
-P |
Prints all the paths of any file in the minlib database. Useful for, say, tarring an archive for backup, or transferring your book files to another device. Simply prints the paths and exits successfully. If it runs into a file that does not appear to exist, it will print an error message and move on to the next. This is also a good way to find files that you’ve moved, or that you mistyped, or whatever the case may be. | ||
-s |
Statistics. Prints some statistical facts about your library; e.g., the tags in your library along with the number of each. Has no effect unless used in combination with the -p option. |
-c rcfile
Use rcfile as the configuration file for this run. The rcfile may contain things like colors, data files, and format strings; its syntax is very simple and is described below. To force default options, use the file name "-" (a single hyphen, in double quotes).
By default, minlib will always look for the file called minlibrc in the default config directory ($HOME/.config/minlib/); if it finds it, it will use it unless you’ve specified a different one.
Filenames are not all searched for as if they were absolute paths. First, minlib will check in the default config directory ($HOME/.config/minlib/) for the filename you’ve requested; then it will treat the filename as an absolute path. This means that it will take up a file in the present working directory if there’s no absolute path specified. If, however, you have a file in your working directory that you’re expecting to override one that’s in the config directory with the same name, you will have to supply an absolute path; if the names are different, the file in the present directory will be selected.
-f filename
Use filename as the source of library records. You can use this option as many times as you like, with one file name per -f, and minlib will do the right thing and use all the files you’ve named. They will be presently to you seamlessly as if they were all in one file.
It is often useful to have multiple files; say, one with movies, one with books, or possibly different files for different genres. This leads to smaller, easier-to-maintain library files that you can still input and view as if your whole library were unitary.
See the notes above, in the section describing the -c option, regarding where minlib looks for files. The short answer: first it looks in the config directory, then elsewhere if it can’t find it.
-r record-format
Use record-format as the format for each individual record outputted by minlib. By default, this is %30t | %24a | %8l | %10g, which the astute reader will see adds to precisely the default terminal width of 80 characters. The format is similar to that of C’s printf, in that we use a percent sign, followed by a number, followed by a single character which specifies what to fill in, but it is quite different from that of C’s printf in that it requires that each formatting character be accompanied by a number of characters. Given the extreme variability of field lengths, and the extreme limitation of most terminals, this restriction seems reasonable.
Interpreted sequences are: |
%t |
The title; matched with field heading TITLE.
%a |
The author; matched with the field heading AUTHOR. | ||
%L |
The author’s last name; matched with field heading AUTHLAST. | ||
%k |
The keywords of the work; matched with the field heading KEYWORDS. | ||
%S |
The subject of the work; matched with the field heading SUBJECT. | ||
%M |
The author’s middle name; matched with field heading AUTHMID. | ||
%F |
The author’s first name; matched with field heading AUTHFIRST. | ||
%l |
The language of the work; matched with field heading LANG, LANGUAGE, or LANGONE. | ||
%s |
The secondary language of a work. E.g., perhaps you have a German grammar which is mostly English, but still has a substantial amount of German text. German might be the second language of that work. Matches the field heading LANGTWO. | ||
%g |
The genre, or type, of the work; matched with field headings TYPE or GENRE. | ||
%y |
The year of the work; matched with field heading YEAR. | ||
%D |
The date of the work; matched with the field heading DATE. | ||
%m |
Medium of the work; e.g., book, film, etc. Matched with field heading MEDIUM. | ||
%P |
Place or location of the work; e.g., shelf, storage, etc. Matched with field heading PLACE or LOCATION. | ||
%e |
Editor of the work; matched with field heading EDITOR. | ||
%T |
Translator of the work; matched with field heading TRANSLATOR or TRANS. | ||
%d |
Director of the work; matched with field heading DIRECTOR. | ||
%i |
Illustrator of the work; matched with field heading ILLUS.OR. | ||
%I |
The ICONTYPE of the item. This displays a Unicode character (one character long) based on its value. The icon types recognized, by default, are "book", "film", and "music", each of which displays an appropriates Unicode character. An unknown ICONTYPE will display "?", while nothing at all will display if no ICONTYPE is listed for the entry. |
You can also have arbitrary ICONTYPEs, based on arbitrary strings. Create the file iconlist in your ~/.config/minlib/ directory, and fill it with the ICONTYPEs you would like. Each line is a simple format; minlib will ignore any line that doesn’t fit:
That is, the value for the ICONTYPE (e.g., one of the defaults, "book"), then a tab character, and then the icon that will be used (any UTF-8 character). To duplicate the default for music, for example:
And that’s it. Anything more than sixteen characters for the icon string will be silently truncated; anything more than six bytes for the Unicode character will also be truncated. However, since that’s enough for all UTF-8 characters, that should not be a problem.
The last item in an iconlist file, regardless of its name, will be use for unknown ICONTYPE declarations; therefore, this should probably be given a name like "unknown", and be a symbol like "?" or something similar.
minlib uses two files primarily: the data, or library file, which has the actual library information in it, and a run-control, or config file, which contains simple lines to control minlib’s behavior.
The Data
The data file, or library file, is a pretty simple
"cookie jar" format, consisting of multi-line
records separated by lines containing two percentage marks,
or (%%). No line can contain the text
"%%" except record separating lines;
minlib will always consider such lines to be starting
a new record.
Please note that every record requires a %% to begin it, including the first in a file.
Between each record-separating line are the individual fields of the record. These consist of a field name in all capital letters, a colon, and then the text of the field. After the colon, whitespace can be inserted or deleted at will, with no change in how minlib reads the line. Each field must be contained entirely on one line, however.
An example record:
TITLE: My Very Favorite Book
GENRE: Scifi
YEAR: 1998
MEDIUM: book
You then repeat this as many times as you need to to build your library database.
Because minlib accepts multiple files at the same time, you can divide your library files however you wish, and minlib will accept whichever files you specify, sort them all together, and display them to you. So you can have one file with your books, one with your movies, one with your music, and one with your vintage 8-tracks of original Swedish ABBA and still get them all at once if you want.
There are no artificial limits on the fields you can include; if you particular library database requires "FOO" as a field, just put it in there. minlib will not be able to sort your records by fields it doesn’t know; however, it will be able to search for such fields, and it will be able to display such fields in its detail view, when you select a record.
For fields that minlib knows, see the section on the -r option above.
It’s important to note that options given on the command line take precedence over conflicting options in the config file.
If there is a digital file available, minlib knows a magic field name: PATH. minlib will use the value of the PATH field to open the file with the appropriate application. Another magic field name is COVER, which is opened the same way as a PATH. Typically, of course, this will be used for a book, album, or movie cover.
File (Config File)
The run-control file ("rc" or "config"
file) contains the configurable options for minlib to
use. Note that when options specified on the command line
conflict with those in the config file, the options on the
command line will take precedence.
minlib will take a config file wherever you want it to, provided that you have read access to that file. If you don’t provide it a config file, it will attempt to read from "$HOME/.config/minlib/minlibrc", which, of course, may not exist. If it can’t find that, it will give up and assume you don’t want it to consider a config file.
minlib allows you to set defaults for many different configuration options in your config file. Most importantly, these are input files; record format strings; and default viewers for digital files. Like the input file we discussed above, the format is simple: an all-caps string which says what option you’re trying to set, and then the value of that option. Whitespace on the line is ignored. So, for example:
xpdf -cont "%s"
A minlib rc-file is essentially just a list of lines of this type.
Remember to put quotations around the "%s" in your config file; otherwise, your application will likely choke on filenames with special characters in them, including spaces.
The non-color
settings available are:
The format of each record line. This takes the same form as the -r option on the command line.
The name of a file to read in for data. Like -f on the command line, you can specify this multiple itmes, and minlib understands that you want all the files put into a single library and shown to you as such. The files themselves, of course, are not changed. Note that shell expansions don’t work here; so rather than "~", you must actually type your home directory.
Obviously, the pdf viewer that you’d like minlib to call when you try to open a pdf file. Default is xpdf "%s".
The viewer for opening epub files. Default is fbreader "%s".
The viewer for opening HTML files. Default is w3m "%s".
The viewer for opening OGG videos; that is, Theora videos. Default is vlc "%s".
The viewer for opening OGG audio; that is, Ogg Vorbis. Also applies to Speex (.spx), a codec designed specifically for human voices. Default is ogg123 "%s".
The viewer for opening mp3 audio. Default is mpg123 "%s.
The viewer for opening DVI documents; that is, old-style TeX output files. Default is xdvi "%s".
The viewer for opening Postscript documents; default is gs "%s".
The viewer for opening .doc(x), .xls(x), .ppt(x), and their LibreOffice equivalents. Default is libreoffice "%s".
The application that will send emails with the requested file attached. Default is mutt -x -a "%s".
The application that will view image files; for example, book covers and the like. Default is feh "%s".
minlib allows you to set the colors for pretty much everything in the program. Normal ncurses colors will be accepted by minlib. These are COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_RED, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_CYAN, or COLOR_WHITE.
If you do not set a particular color, minlib will select a reasonable default for you. The algorithm for this is simple: foreground colors will be set to COLOR_WHITE and background colors to COLOR_BLACK. Be aware that, if you set some foreground colors without setting the corresponding background colors, these defaults might make your color scheme illegible.
The colors that
can be set are:
The foreground color (that is, the color for the text) in the top bar. This is the top bar in both menu view and detail view.
The background color (that is, the color for the background of the text) in the top bar. This is the top bar in both menu view and detail view.
The foreground color (that is, the color for the text) in the bottom bar. This is the bottom bar in both menu view and detail view.
The background color (that is, the color for the background of the text) in the bottom bar. This is the bottom bar in both menu view and detail view.
The foreground color (that is, the color for the text) in the menu; this will also be the background color of the currently active item on the menu. That is, inactive items (items the cursor is not on) will have this as the text color; the active item (the item the cursor is on) will have this as the background color.
The background color (that is, the color for the background of the text) in the menu; this will also be the text color of the currently active item on the menu. That is, inactive items (items the cursor is not on) will have this as the background color; the active item (the item the cursor is on) will have this as the text color.
The foreground color (that is, the color for the text) for the field names in detail view.
The background color (that is, the color for the background of the text) for the field names in detail view.
The foreground color (that is, the color for the text) for the field values in detail view.
The background color (that is, the color for the background of the text) for the field values in detail view.
The background color for the whole window in detail view.
minlib is likely to be used interactively most of the time. Fortunately, this interactive use is extremely simple. minlib’s interface focuses on two views: "Menu View" and "Detail View." Most operations the user will be likely to want are available to the user in the same way in both views.
Which view you are currently using, either menu or detail, will be noted in the top right corner of the screen. In menu view, the top center will show how many records are in your database; in detail view, the top center will show which record you’re currently viewing the details of.
Menu view is the default view, and is what you’ll be looking at when you start minlib. It is, as the name implies, simply a large menu, with one item for each of the records in your data file(s).
Scroll down with the down arrow or with ’j’; scroll up with the up arrow or with ’k’. Move by a page at a time with PgUp or PgDn (or their synonyms, space bar and hyphen).
Searching can be done in one of two ways. The simplest way is termed matching; this simply matches the first characters from the record. Hit ’m’, then enter the first few characters you’re looking for. minlib will then take you to the first record matching those first few characters. Hit ’p’ for the next matching record, and hit ’P’ for the previous matching record.
Matching is limited, though, in that it can only match the first few characters in the record; full search is much more powerful. With full search, you can search the entirety of your records, not merely the portions visible in menu view; also, rather than merely character-for-character matching, you have the full power of regular expressions available. Hit ’/’ to search; minlib will tell you whether you’ve found any matches, and if so, how many. It will also skip you forward to the first match it finds. Now hit ’n’ for the next match and ’N’ for the previous match.
You can also limit your search to any field that minlib knows about, by using the same field abbreviation letters we met under the explanation for the option -r. Begin your search with that field letter surrounded by tildes; e.g., ~a~Robert (note: no spaces!) will search only for those records with the string "Robert" in its AUTHOR field. You can move between matches of this type exactly the way you do with full-record searching.
When you arrive at the record you’re looking for, hit enter; this will take you to detail view. Detail view is your entire record for that entry; it will display all the fields you’ve assigned for that entry in your data file. If this is too much information for a single screen, fear not; use the down arrow or ’j’ to scroll down, and use the up arrow or ’k’ to scroll up, precisely as you did in menu view. You can also scroll up or down by a page at a time, with PgUp/PgDn or space bar/hyphen.
In either detail view, you may want to open a file. If this is a physical item record (e.g., the data about a book on your shelf), you obviously won’t be able to do this (though trying won’t hurt; minlib will innocently tell you that it can’t find a file for that item); but if it’s a digital item, minlib will do its best to take care of that for you.
Hit ’o’ in detail view, and the bar at the bottom of the screen will tell you to enter the number of the PATH you want to open, then hit "enter". Paths are printed in detail view with a corresponding number; you just need to type in that number (with or without leading zeroes) and press "enter", and minlib will do its best to open it. If it can’t figure out how to open it, it will tell you so, and you may have to shell out and open it manually. However, minlib knows what to do with most types of files you’re likely to have here.
Hit ’c’ in detail view to open the item’s cover (that is, anything defined in the data file with the tag "COVER"). If you don’t have a cover defined, minlib will tell you so, and otherwise do nothing; if you do, minlib will do its usual procedure to open it, except that you won’t have to tell it which item to open, since it already knows. This is simply sugar; it takes fewer keystrokes to open a cover if you’ve defined a COVER in the data file.
You can kill minlib while viewing your file; neither minlib nor your file viewer should care.
Hit ’:’ to shell out; that is, to have access to the default shell on your system. This uses the value of the SHELL environmental variable; if there is no such variable, minlib simply tries to run /bin/sh. This is useful especially when in detail view trying to open a file of some unusual format, or with a non-default application (e.g., your default pdf viewer is xpdf, but you wish to use okular for some reason); shell out and open the file manually with whatever viewer you desire.
Hit ’s’ to send, or to email something. minlib will then ask you to select the path of the file you’d like to attach; you select it in the same way you do for opening the file. You can then compose your email and send away.
minlib returns 0 if successful, non-zero if it fails for some reason. See the ERRORS section for possible failure exit statuses.
minlib can, like all programs, go wrong in a huge number of ways; but fortunately, most of those are extremely unlikely. Still, minlib tries hard to give precise failure information, even for those situations that basically never happen.
So upon failure, minlib prints both an error message to stderr and exits with a particular status. Error codes are as follows:
1 |
You gave minlib an option that it doesn’t recognize. | ||
2 |
You supplied minlib an option which requires an argument, but didn’t send it an argument. E.g., you said -r, but didn’t say what you wanted the formatting string to be. |
Insufficient memory errors; this are only thrown when the operating system can’t provide enough memory for minlib to do its thing. Since minlib doesn’t require much memory, these errors are exceedingly unlikely. 3 means it couldn’t load the data file; 4 means means that it couldn’t load the data file into formatted lines; 5 means that it couldn’t load the array used to track the formatted lines; 6 means that it couldn’t get enough memory for the format string; 7 indicates insufficient memory for a variety of minor internal tasks; 9 means there is insufficient memory for the filename string.
8 |
A problem opening the data file. A message printed to stderr will give the name of the file and the error number. | ||
10 |
A problem opening the config file. A message printed to stderr will give the name of the file and the error number. | ||
11 |
minlib has checked in all the usual places (a config file and the command line), but hasn’t found an input file (that is, a database or library file). As such, it has nothing to do and quits. | ||
12 |
minlib uses temporary files to process multiple input files. However, it’s been unable to construct such a temporary file. Check your permissions to resolve this. | ||
13 |
You’ve asked minlib to print the metadata of a file with the "-a" option; however, it’s having some trouble getting information about that file. The specific error message printed will tell you more. | ||
14 |
You’ve asked minlib to print the metadata of a file with the "-a" option; however, it’s having some trouble opening that file. Probably a permissions issue; the specific error message printed will tell you more. |
None known at this time.
Donald P. Goodman III <dgoodmaniii at gmail dot com>